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The injuries to any part of spinal cord can cause devastating and life-threatening conditions. Our spinal cord is a mass of nerve tissue that regulates body movements and functions. It transmits nerve impulses between our brain and body. Signs of spinal cord injury may vary depending on which part of the cord has been injured. In most cases a Spinal cord injury leads to severe Lower back pain in patients. Rehabilitation after a SCI often involves treatments designed specifically for the individual condition of each patient. The medical experts may recommend a few light exercises to ease off your lower back pain or other symptoms of SCI. Please remember that you should NOT perform any of these exercises without the express direction of your doctor. As injuries to your spine can result in permanent paralysis, pain and immobility, therefore, it is vital for you to follow your doctor's directions to the letter whenever you try to rehabilitate your back after a SCI or acute lower back pain. Depending on the condition of the patients, the physiotherapists at may recommend exercises like, Hamstring stretch, Lying leg raises, Shoulder wand exercise, or Hip abduction. All these exercises are light and easy, and therefore, most patients suffering from the symptoms of SCI can perform these exercises every day. Depending on the condition of the patient suffering from a Chiro newark NJ, these exercises will most often be performed with the assistance of a physical therapist. The well trained and highly experienced therapist can assist the victims of Spinal cord injury all through the exercise regime by providing vital support to the patient as well as decreasing any chances of an injury to any part of the patient's body. Some of the exercises are designed to help the patients to stabilize their lower back region of their body. To begin the exercise regime that is prescribed to you by your doctor, it is suggested that you perform about 5-7 repetitions of the exercises like, 'lying leg raise'. As you get stronger, your therapist may suggest that you progress to more number of repetitions. These exercises are designed to help facilitate range of motion of your shoulder joint following an injury to your spinal cord.
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